NOI Techpark / Lot D2


A mixed-use building dedicated to research where light is matter. A human-centred project aiming at differentiation. 

Light between matter and living comfort
The design choice made by our studio revolves around the natural element of light both in a human-centred key and therefore in relation to the living quality of the individual levels of the building, and in a material key as the expression, on the external façade, of a unity that inside is composed of different levels and uses. It is the natural light on the building and in the building that synthesises the very concept of Nature of Innovation – innovating by following the rules of nature, trying to work in a sustainable and flexible way, adapting choices in respect of the environment that welcomes us – of which the NOI Techpark is a promoter.

NOI Techpark, South Tyrol’s innovation district, is enriched by a new mixed-use building for research concerning the future of food: the D2 building designed by Busselli Scherer. The project expresses the diversified souls of the NOI Techpark in a single volume, focusing on the concept of interrelation. On six communicating levels, interconnected by natural light, there are research laboratories dedicated to food technology, modular offices for private companies and start-ups, and – on the top floor – the Student Gastronomy, dedicated to students and academic staff.



NOI Techpark Bolzano




10.100 m2

Gross floor surface 

33.400 m3



Above ground



Alex Filz


Dynamic façades

Externally, the new building responds to the constraints of a strict masterplan without sacrificing its identity. The construction is characterised by two dynamic façades – finished vertically with oriented extruded metal profiles – that vary as the light changes. The north and south façades of the D2 change in colour as the slope and intensity of the sunlight change. In this way, the building marks the passage of time, creating a continuous and ever-changing relationship with the element of light. An iridescent play that identifies the architectural object, differentiating it from the buildings adjacent to it.

Slat: project marker

Constructing this relationship with the element of light are the slats, made according to precise engineering and architectural criteria. Impressive anodised extruded aluminium customized profiles. The slat is presented as a valuable object, strong and elegant, that dresses the building, enriching it with its own precise identity. The interaction with light takes place through three orientation shots that follow each other at regular intervals along the entire façade element, creating a pentagram. A melody of bronze colours and luminous accents that attracts the eye. Through this stylistic choice, the project focuses on emotion. If the world of science and research laboratories is often associated with minimalism and sterility, the D2 presents itself as a precious box inside which the scientific universe finds a home.

The study of the slat: starting from a blade, the form evolves to an object with ideal proportions.The slat is a custom architectural element, unique because it is the result of ad hoc prototyping.

Visual transparency

Internally, the architecture revolves around two transparent patios that channel natural light and house two gardens. These elements run through the entire building, the dark heart of the structure, creating a visual connection between the different levels. The design idea aims to interconnect the many functions that cohabit the D2 not only through stairs and lifts, but also through the brightness and transparency of the rooms. The concepts behind the interior design are visual openness, cognitive interchange, nature as an element of livability and inspiration. Here, people are at the centre with their sociability, their design spaces, their desire to work and live in a comfortable and dynamic environment.

Material research and interior design

Different uses coexist within D2. On the one hand the research laboratories, characterised by rigorous spaces that meet precise environmental parameters. On the other the offices, the Gastronomy and common areas – such as the entrance hall – endowed with greater flexibility and informality. For the workshops, the creative direction favoured purity, essentiality and brightness. The interior design focuses on white and metal, combined with stone and almost evanescent finishes. The sharing rooms and office spaces privilege fresh nuances, tending to sage and light blues, inserting the characteristic black of the NOI and wood in a dark key. Chromatic accents are provided by the chairs chosen in aubergine, crimson and lilac tones. The studio intentionally creates a strong contrast between the interior and exterior of the building. Outside a bronze, warm and enveloping façade, inside rooms in cool, relaxing tones.

The Gastronomy
On the top floor of the building, dedicated to dining, the interior concept changes in order to characterise its function. Here, walls and floors find expression in a particular shade of green which is matched by the coral and ruby of the fabric seating. Even the imposing open kitchen picks up on the nuance of the seating, creating a warm, velvety backdrop to the common areas. Similarly to the remaining parts of the complex, the studio retains some rough concrete walls, as well as the black and metal of the exposed technique.

BIM design
For a big, multi-functional building like Lot D2, a 3D design realised in the studio with state-of-the-art software optimises the entire project in several aspects such as time, information flow and overview. Various tools and technologies came into play in this project. These included BIM – an acronym for Building Information Modeling – thanks to which the design team was able to optimise the building’s internal and external development processes and share information with the work team and the client in a three-dimensional, highly detailed design logic.

Urban framework
The NOI Techpark is South Tyrol’s science and technology district. An impressive area: heavy industry in the past, innovation hub today. The site as a whole follows an implementation plan that defines its expansion and asks designers to follow precise alignments and heights, to respect public use areas, green areas, pedestrian and bicycle paths. An extraordinary architectural project of urban redevelopment of which lot D2 is a part.

Follow the different building phases
of the project