
Professionals Schools Marconi Lévinas Building Management A mixed construction system combined with a wide variety of technical and educational functions for a stimulating and content-rich building management. Façades Located in the manufacturing area of the city of Merano, the Marconi Lévinas professional school project is aligned with the settlement...

NOI Techpark / Lot D2 Research A mixed-use building dedicated to research where light is matter. A human-centred project aiming at differentiation.  Publications        ioArch        Niiprogetti Magazine Light...

Trilitica – NOI Techpark/B6 Research Awards The Plan Award 2024 – Honorable Mention in the Mixed use Future category Publications Archiportale Interni Divisare Afasia ArchzineModulo Towards the first Zero Carbon certified building in Italy for laboratories and offices A mixed-use building - which will house laboratories, offices and open spaces - conceived to reduce its...

Professional Schools Marconi Lévinas Construction Management A mixed construction system combined with a wide variety of technical and educational functions for stimulating and content-rich Construction Management. Construction ManagementCommissioned to the firm Busselli Scherer, the Construction Management is characterized by the richness of the building's internal functions: diverse environments...

Rovereto Retirement Home Care & Health A clear, elegant building that revolves around individual and collective well-being. An osmotic project in connection with the context.Bridge between two neighbourhoodsBusselli Scherer's design proposal for the construction of a new retirement home in the "Ex Master Tools" area of Rovereto...

Retirement Home / Salurn Construction Management / Care & Health A new graft in history, between prefabrication, domestic atmospheres and charismatic façades. Construction management for the enhancement of services dedicated to the third age.Construction management entrusted to Busselli Scherer brings to completion the construction of a new retirement...

NOI Techpark / Urban greenery Lot A6 Innovation & Regeneration A multi-scenery park to create open-air sociality and regeneration.New green space at NOIThe multi-scenery park designed by Busselli Scherer firm becomes part of the ambitious regenerative project of the NOI Techpark in Bolzano, the science and technology...

ASM Meran Headquarters Innovation & Regeneration Publications         ioArch        Modulo        Archiportale        Office Layout Ex-warehouse to contemporary HQ. The new ASM Merano headquarters is an adaptive reuse project favouring inclusivity.Adaptive reuseJust outside Meran, a stone's throw from the...